“I left KPMG after 15 years to get behind high-growth professional services businesses with ‘hidden-jewel’ assets and IP and a focus on developing clients’ internal capability. One of these businesses is Bloojam and I think that their unique perspective on developing sales capability in solution sales environments might be of interest to you. When there appear to be a lot more questions than there are clear answers, it could be time to try something new when planning your way forwards in these straitened times. In Bloojam I think you will find a compelling new answer to your greatest challenges.” Steve Abramson, ex-KPMG, Client Lead Partner, Head of Sales Consumer Sector.
Introduction: Steve Abramson
A short introduction from Steve Abramson, ex-KPMG, who is aiming the questions at Bloojam’s Jim Bloomfield in our latest video Q+A.
Introduction: Jim Bloomfield
A brief introduction from Bloojam Founder and CEO, Jim.
The origins of Acuity
Steve asks Jim where the idea for Acuity came from and why it is needed.
Q+Acuity: Describe the value of Acuity to a business in just one sentence
Jim delivers the elevator pitch for Acuity.
Q+Acuity: Describe the insights that Acuity delivers
Customers of Bloojam, says Jim, can expect significant insights from their engagement with the Acuity programme.
Q+Acuity: Why is sales a dirty word?
Jim and Steve discuss the age-old issue – why sales is often regarded as a dirty word in the world of professional services.
Q+Acuity: At what points does Acuity provide the most value to people as they develop their careers?
Steve asks Jim to discuss career development and Bloojam’s Acuity products.
Q+Acuity: Is there a sweet spot in terms of size of business to get the very best from Acuity?
Jim details the adaptability of Acuity to all business sizes.
Q+Acuity: What different kinds of support does Bloojam bring to support sales growth?
Jim reflects on the effectiveness of the various types of support provided by Bloojam.
Q+Acuity: What investment is required from a business to take advantage of Acuity?
Steve wants to know what the business will have to dedicate to the project in terms of time and resources to get the best from engaging with Bloojam.
Q+Acuity: Acuity and professional services.
With the spotlight on professional services in particular, what value will Acuity add for a business in the post-COVID-19 ‘new normal’?

Q+Acuity: Jim Bloomfield Talks To Steve Abramson