Why use psychometric tests for recruiting senior leaders?
We know that recruiting the wrong people for your business can be costly. Recruiting the wrong leaders can have devastating results: lack of vision, poor strategies, ineffective action and lost opportunities.
The appropriate use of psychometric tests and other assessment tools helps businesses to understand a candidate’s motivation, personal qualities and leadership styles. It can help answer key hiring questions such as:
- What are their leadership styles?
- How will they respond under pressure?
- How will they bring their teams with them?
- How will they fit with the rest of the leadership team?
- Will they fit with the culture and values of the organisation?
- How visionary are they?
At Bloojam we work with organisations to use psychometric tests and in depth assessment tools as part of your recruitment process for leaders and future leaders, helping you to identify individuals with the right leadership skills for your business.
Which psychometric tests should I use for leadership assessment and development?
We spend time getting to know you, your business and the leadership qualities you are looking for. We assess the motivations, attitudes and skills of each candidate, using our expert knowledge of assessment tools and psychometric tests to develop the best process for you. We are accredited to use a range of broad personality tests as well as more focused tools that measure key skills such as:
- Leadership judgement
- ‘Dark side’ personality
- Team types
- Risk types
- Creativity and Innovation
This output is then validated and explored further with the candidate during an in-depth interview so that a clear picture of their leadership styles and qualities is established.
For development, this increases the candidate’s self-awareness of their own strengths and development needs, and our expert facilitators will help them to identify key action points as part of a coaching conversation. We can also provide ongoing executive coaching programmes to ensure maximum and sustained performance outcomes.
For selection, the tools build a detailed picture that cannot be achieved through a standard interview alone, and allow you to make the best and most-informed selection decisions, based on a thorough understanding of each person’s leadership styles.
How can my business use these tools?
For recruitment Bloojam helps you to combine the insights from our online leadership style assessments with a robust interview or assessment centre process to identify the best leaders or executives among your candidates.
For training and development we can help you to target your training budget on the specific needs of your leaders and executives as identified by our online leadership style assessments.
To find out more about how profiling for leadership style can help your business or to request a sample report, please contact us.