
Welcome to our November digest of HR articles that we feel are worth sharing.

This month’s selection is primarily focused on the development of your managers. Enjoy!

What not to do when you’re trying to motivate your team
(Harvard Business Review)

Are your managers sharing the right conditions in which to motivate their teams? According to this article in Harvard Business Review, when your teams are motivated they will give their best, go the extra mile and offer radical ideas.

Click here to read the full article

One in five HR professionals ‘do not feel valued by their business’
(People Management)

Did you know that one in five HR professionals ‘do not feel valued by their business’? That’s a disappointing conclusion drawn from research that appeared in People Management earlier this month. Does this ring true for you?

Click here to read the full article

3 ways to motivate your sales team – without stressing them out
(Harvard Business Review)

This second article from Harvard Business Review sparked our interest this month, it lists three of the most important things sales managers should be focusing on: Creating an exceptional sales experience, the sales process and coaching to improve performance.

Click here to read the full article

The management puzzle: why it’s time for organisations to upgrade their ‘accidental managers’
(Training Zone)

How many of your leaders are ‘accidental managers’? This was a good question raised in Training Zone magazine. The answer we’re sure is many; so as the article suggests, isn’t it time we better supported them?

Click here to read the full article

Soft skills: how to make people trust you at work
(Training Zone)

The key to a successful working relationship (or any relationship for that matter) is trust, but how can you make people trust you? Here’s some useful advice in Training Zone.

Click here to read the full article

The Leader as Coach
(Harvard Business Review)

Managers often say that they don’t have time to coach their employees. If that is what your managers are saying, they’re missing the point. Developing employees is what will propel organisations forward. An interesting discussion in this Harvard Business Review article.

Click here to read the full article

Finally, have you read our latest blog, the second in our series aiming to simplify the maze of leadership theories?

If not, click here to have a read, we discuss why great leaders unite others behind a clear future vision